Wednesday 21 March 2012

Trayvon Martin case: A superlative judges is the best next step for the case

We know that Zimmerman did not take into account the recommendations of the police Dispatcher next Trayvon. We know that the fight. We know that Zimmerman shot and killed unarmed 17 years. And now, Trayvon girl said that she heard at the beginning of the fight, and by pressing Trayvon Zimmerman, he said.

With each new details Calls for the arrest and prosecution of Zimmerman becomes more intense.
Question words and Georg Zimmermann, but is not a murderer.

Not yet, at least. Only the jury convicted for free.

Does Benjamin Crump, colourful, champion parents Trayvon, who repeatedly has said that Zimmerman, who had committed murder.

Crump is an arsonist fire to fire, when the rhetoric is overheated and caught fire.

This is probably the devil, Reverend Al Sharpton on the day will probably rally, claiming justice in this case leads.

I blame not Crump, and second, not trust authorities.

Trayvon – has all but ignored two weeks prior to his parents held a press conference to answer.

If not, you can only statistics, but Trayvon unknown names, members of the clergy, celebrities and lawmakers called justice.

But the rhetoric, too long.

Take criticism from norm Linz Seminole decision Brevard State Attorney's Office, the case before a grand jury, Crump.

Only for Linz, pass the ball, "he said.

"So, if the jury would come and said they had not been sufficiently considered the charges and arrests Georg Zimmermann (bar), and then they came with their hands like Pontius Pilate and say" we are not in this community, '' Crump said.

However, a grand jury in this case.

Yes, you can have a lot of police in Sanfords cases, Zimmerman, and location of arrest, if they are near a February 26 Trayvon authority.

But they are not. Police, lollygagged and driven, said instead that by denying the evidence about the history of Zimmerman, who was killed in self-defense Trayvon. "Stand your ground" law of Florida meant that she could not stay.

Rotten calls the police. To get the right bad condition. It seems to me, that is.

But it's not a murderer, Zimmerman, Crump and many others have already.

The jury is therefore the best next step.

Grand Juries are often used in cases of high profile, and you can do a lot more transparency in the case, which the White House, came at a press conference this week.

"I think every Attorney, unless the jury shall, unless they are stupid," said Willie meggs, a lawyer in Tallahassee, Florida.

Criticism has been more vocal and consistent in your ground ' law in Florida or in the Act of "Wave like Rabbitbrush meggs.

High up in the case of emotions running and some important facts that are so unclear, the grand jury best next step.

This is nothing wrong with maintaining the pressure on the authorities to find out the truth. Senator Gary Siplin on Wednesday demanded that a special prosecutor in the case.

But the question words and rhetoric, can you just yet.

Any time the system give a chance to work.