Thursday 22 March 2012

3 facts about the new profile of Pinterest

Pinterest to configure a new profile page for people to photography. If you feel a little shy in his knowledge of the "permanent", we have a few suggestions to propose a new profile in the form of a revision of the Pinnerjevi.

Who are you?
Above, move the new profile page, there is a lot more than the old version of its name and description. You can easily change or add a description will gain an understanding of their interests. Once again, now you can see three pictures, you need to build more often. Pinterest, he said that he could introduce new people to follow up with further features.

Optimize your tips
Tips to your photos with a common theme: it is becoming increasingly important, but it is easy to arrange. You will also see the photo that recently have fallen much more than others in each room. Controlled by the recently is how four miniature, great photo. You can change the order of your advice on this page, the graphics cards with the "Edit profile". To prepare their most interesting tips. Don't forget to click Save in the red box in the new agreement.

Unfortunately, you can organize photos. If you don't like the image of the function, which was the last PIN, add new or re-elected members of the Board, PIN. Brooches Pinterest ability soon here, hope to be back to add.

Follow More Pinners
Pinterest, who said in his blog post link, experienced the same international PIN-Search is next, and who have had problems. Some of these tasks, in the navigation pane, which contains the number of their world, PIN code and the "love" is another show. The button shows your most recent CV scenic bora and the new people who you follow. The next time you need to fix, and see a photo you like, click on the PIN to the cosmopolitan in their profiles adding new people to add to your PIN in your home.

Pinterest says that if you have a profile, you can see all the things that the international networks of the PIN.

Unlike Facebook, follow Pinterest. There is no possibility to Pinterest privacy. There are no confidentiality alternatives on Pinterest. Use the new profile to see how others view you. Make your photos according to the course of history; this is something you want to share.