Thursday 12 April 2012

Charles Manson's words come up to haughty him

The old mass murderer 77 Wad of freedom denied Wednesday the State Parole Board. This will not be the probationary period for new hearing in 15 years.

Board member of the California parole, said Wednesday that partially psychologists Manson in prison under the impact of the results.

John Peck, a member of the Board of Parole, he gave a statement. "I" .It's not like a prisoner, "Peck said, according to the associated press. "I have my life in prison". I have five people in the grave. I am a very dangerous man.

Peck, he said that the Commission sees no signs of recovery.

Twice in the last few years the guards Corcoran which has to be said, to find a mobile phone that is a known murderer. People call Manson in California, New Jersey, and Florida with LG flip phone under his bunk in a jail in March 2009, the times reported in 2011. It was a year later another phone. 30 days were added to his sentence for a first offence, said officials.

Previously he was at the Home of weapons at their disposal.

Before the hearing, his lawyer DeJon r. Lewis told him that Manson in Atascadero State Hospital for to transfer State prison near the city of Corcoran.

But the jury decided that it was said, was still in prison, to which Manson showed signs of recovery.

Manson was not at the hearing, 12, in which State officials noted that Manson is in great danger.
Manson and the other members of his family, in accordance with actress Sharon Tate and six other people during the Massacre in the Los Angeles area, while two nights since August 1969, killing guilty. It is located in Corcoran State prison in a special unit for prisoners who believe they are threatened separate people with other prisoners from jail.

Control for the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office has said that a strictly refuse to release the Manson. "We've always [compared with test] and will continue to be," said spokeswoman Sandi Gibbons.

Photo from the California prison shows Manson, released with a long gray hair and beard.
2007, at the last hearing, Manson, the Administration has concluded that it "continues to pose a threat to others unreasonable and possibly damage it brings, which are brought into contact."

Prosecutors said that Manson and his followers, trying to incitement to a war of RACES, which is believed to be announced in the song "the Beatles" album Skelter.

Tate, wife of film director Roman Polanski was 8 months pregnant when she was killed in a couple of Benedict Canyon Hill 9. August 1969. Polanski was that the country was working on the film. In addition to the Tate Gallery, four others were stabbed and killed: Jay Sebring, 35; Voytek Frykowski, 32; coffee Heiress, 25; Abigail Folger, and Steven parent, 18, a friend of the proprietor in Tate. The word "pig" was written on the door of entry into the blood.

The next night, Manson was traveling with cronies Home Los Feliz Leno and Rosemary LaBianca, links, and then three of the murder. "Death to pigs" was written on the wall, and "Healter Skelter" was wrong, was written on the door of the fridge.

Manson was convicted of killing musician Gary Hinman also earlier at his home in Topanga Canyon and former stuntman, Donald "Shorty" Spahn Ranch in the Chatsworth movie Shi, where he had a Mansion of their communities.

Manson was originally sentenced to the death penalty. 1972, the decision of the Supreme Court of California found that by law the death penalty State is unconstitutional at the time and his death sentence was amended in 1977, prison, with the possibility of parole.