Wednesday 25 April 2012

120 Years Ago Gorgeous Pictures Of The Holy Land

Today's time wandering voyage courteousness of the Library of Congress takes us to the Holy Land between 1890 and 1900.

The Holy Land of that period, which consists of modern Israel, Lebanon and other regions, was controlled by the Ottoman Empire. It is a rural land that looks like it had changed little since the Biblical age.

These images are photolithographs, which are made from adding color to black-and-white photographic negatives.

An itinerant shoemaker outside Jerusalem

The landscape is littered with ruins. Here is the Temple of the Sun in Baalbek

A relaxing afternoon in the fields by Cana of Galilee
 The Ruins of Capernaium, a fishing village that was home to several apostles

The Jaffa Gate, Jerusalem

The Damascus Gate, Jerusalem

Stone cutters in Jerusalem

A bustling market by the Tower of David in Jerusalem

Shephards hang out in Nebi-Samuel, aka the Plain of Mizpah

Camels riders halt in the desert

The Tomb of Lazarus in Bethany

Beirut was a large city even at the turn of the century

Shepherds in Hadjar en Nasaroh

The River Jordan

Laborers on the Plain of Esdraelon

Syrian peasant making bread

Bedouins and their tents

Bedouins drawing water

Ruins of an ancient colonnade in Samaria

The virgin's fountain in Nazareth

The birthplace of Mary Magdalene in Magdala

Relaxing outside Lydda

A fisherman's boat on the Sea of Galillee by Tiberias

Tuesday 24 April 2012

7 gigs that make good second jobs

Perhaps it's to help cover your bills. Or maybe it's to seek fulfillment not experienced at your day job. Whatever the reason, if you are looking to get a second job, you're not alone. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than 7 million Americans hold more than one job.

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Here, experts and job seekers weigh in on what they consider to be the best moonlighting gigs. The suggestions run the gamut from child care to cosmetic procedures, but all provide a means for pulling in some extra income.

1. Second job: Bartender
Details: "I am an attorney who moonlights as a bartender," says Brianna Sadler, partner at a law firm in Minnesota. "It's actually a great way to meet future clients without violating the Model Rules of Professional Conduct, as I am able to have a personal relationship with the guests/clients and help fulfill both their need for a drink and possibly legal advice. As I am a plaintiff's attorney, it's also a great way to pay my rent until I have my 'one big case' we all dream about."

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Potential pay: Bartenders earn a mean hourly wage of $10.25, according to the BLS.

2. Second job: Freelancer
Details: "I recently started my own consulting business in August, and while I was getting that up and running, I was actively seeking freelance writing work," says Sophia Habl Mitchell, principal at Sophia Mitchell & Associates. "Taking small gigs through freelance sites ... can be a great way to supplement income. The best part is that this work can be done at home, before or after a 'regular job.'"

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Potential pay: While pay varies based on the type of freelance assignment, Mitchell says she earned $3,000 in four months by doing a variety of freelance work, including writing for a travel website and ghostwriting blog content.

Details: "Cosmetic laser technician is a career some people do part time while holding down another full-time job," says Louis Silberman, president of National Laser Institute. "Cosmetic laser technicians work mostly in med spas and doctors' offices as independent contractors. They perform procedures like laser hair removal and laser skin resurfacing. Some RNs have received their laser certification to increase their earning potential by performing cosmetic procedures."

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Potential pay: According to the NLI, the most common scenario is a blend of an hourly rate plus commission. The hourly rates usually range from $15 to $25, in addition to a commission ranging from 3 to 20 percent. At med spas, technicians typically receive a gratuity.

4. Second job: Child-care provider
Details: My husband and I have two small children, and we juggle going back and forth to the office and staying home with the kids," says Brina Bujkovsky, owner and CEO of The Younique Boutique. "We decided to start a home day care to take advantage of the tax deductions, earn extra income ... and provide playmates for our kids. We are helping the community by providing affordable care for children six weeks and up, and we are earning a nice second income."

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Potential pay: Bujkovsky says she makes more than $2,500 a month through her home day-care gig.

5. Second job: Futures trader
Details: A recent survey conducted by TopStepTrader, an international scouting agency that recruits and trains futures traders, found that more than half of the workers surveyed conduct futures trading as a second job. "With the markets open 23-24 hours a day, there is a lot of flexibility and profitability in this career as a second alternative job," says Michael Patak, president and CEO of TopStepTrader.

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Potential pay: According to TopStepTrader, part-time traders who trade lightly can earn an estimated $2,000 a month, while active part-time traders can average up to around $4,000 a month.

6. Second job: Container/organization sales Consultant
Details: If you're outgoing and like organization, consider being a sales consultant for a container company. In this role, you'll help plan or host fun parties -- often held at people's homes -- where guests will have the opportunity to try out and buy your products. Some companies now offer e-commerce options, too.

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Potential pay: Earning potential can vary based on company and role. Lee Padgett of Clever Container says their starting consultants make 20 percent on their retail sales, and after they reach $1,000 worth of product sales, they make 25 percent on their retail sales. 

7. Second job: Mystery shopper
Details: Bethany Mooradian, author of "The Mystery Shopper Training Program," suggests mystery shopping as a great way to earn extra cash. "To be a successful mystery shopper, a person needs to be reliable [and] honest, have basic Internet skills, decent writing, spelling and observation skills and live in a fairly metropolitan area," Mooradian says. "Any time I've needed money, I just jump right back into mystery shopping ... It's perfect for anyone who wants a flexible way of earning extra income, has basic skills and doesn't want to stay trapped behind a desk."

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Potential pay: Mystery shoppers can make up to $38,520 in annual salary, according to 

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Sunday 22 April 2012

A VERY Gigantic Mac! 1,500 seats to be built for games by world biggest McDonald’s

• Amazing Stats restaurant time, 50,000 Big Mac is expected within six weeks
• X-factor style hearings 12000 people work the branch at the Olympics has prompted

The largest McDonald's restaurant in the world is open for six weeks during the Olympic Games in 2012 in London.

Land in Stratford, East London, more than 50000 to 180000 installment of French fries are served with Big Mac Burger.

The vast provisional branch will have seating for 1,500 consumers and will employ more than 2,000 staff.

{ Dining: An artist impression of how the huge 1,500 seat McDonald's in east London will look}

whereas the world's top athletes contend at the Olympics and Paralymics from July 27 to September 9 three million people are projected to visit the McDonald's branch.

The restaurant is built 3000 square metres of recycled materials will have two floors and half the length of a football field.

12000 People asked on branches, too much work, and three other planned for the Olympic site have been developed by the X Factor auditions across the country style.

 {Interior: The huge McDonald's branch will have a bright and colourful design featuring nutritional advice}

They were judged on manners and how to reflect serves burgers, ice-cream and cooked French fries.

McDonald began his involvement with the Olympic Games in 1968, when the company had a hamburger in the United States in Grenoble, France.

The company has become an official sponsor of the Olympic Games in 1976 in Montreal and 1984 legs McDonald Bill, swimming at the Olympic Stadium in Los Angeles.

Olympic Games in London will be the ninth game Mcdonald restaurant official events, and only the dealer products traded food brand athletes.

Usain bolt bolt, fastest man in the world, who in 2008 won a gold medal in the 100 m in Beijing, said Chicken McNuggets has been the key to success.

{ Hunger: Usain Bolt, the world's fastest man who won gold at the 100m in Beijing, said chicken McNuggets were key to his success}

Jamaica lightning bolt, alias, said: I woke at 11 am and found a couple of television and a few Nuggets. "

"And then I slept for a few hours more.". And then there are a few nuggets, and he came on the line. »

Ingredients for the menu of McDonald's in London in 2012, it will be from 17 500 English and Irish farms.
Giant plans fast-food toys for action to give nine million of its happy meal during the games as part of its campaign of "Mascotathon".

The gadgets will evaluate how many steps or jumps the child makes in a day. You are invited to join the online-game reflect their actions in the mascot Mandeville and Wenlock energy market.

{ Aerial: McDonald's is one of the Olympics' main sponsors and will run four outlets at the east London site}
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19 truth About McDonald's That Will Blow Your Mind

McDonald's reported this morning its financial results for the first quarter. The global fast-food chain 6.54 billion during the period was created and sent to 1.23 earnings per share. comparative sales increased by 7.3%.

At the top and bottom lines in accordance with the expectations of analysts, there are a lot of facts about the company, you can find completely unexpected.

Restaurant giant developed the recession and recovery. This is logical, because it sells more than 75 hamburgers per second.

McDonald's' daily customer traffic (62 million) is more than the population of Great Britain

McDonald's sells more than 75 hamburgers every second

McDonald's feeds 68 million people per day, that's about 1 percent of the world's population


McDonald's' $27 billion in revenue makes it the 90th-largest economy in the world


The $8.7 billion in revenue from franchise stores alone, makes McDonald's richer than Mongolia


McDonald's hires around 1 million workers in the US every year


McDonald's has 761,000 employees worldwide, that's more than the population of Luxembourg


According to company estimates, one in every eight American workers has been employed by McDonald's


Sharon Stone worked at McDonald's before she was famous. So did Shania Twain, Jay Leno, Rachel McAdams and Pink


McDonald's is the world's largest distributor of toys, with one included in 20% of all sales

Back in 1968 McDonald airlifted hamburgers to homesick U.S. Olympic Athletes in France


McDonald's' iconic golden arches are recognized by more people than the cross

The Queen of England owns a retail park in Slough, which has a drive-thru McDonald's


The Egg McMuffin was modeled on eggs Benedict


For the next three years, McDonald's is going to open one restaurant every day in China


The only place in the lower 48 that is more than 100 miles from a McDonald's is a barren plain in South Dakota


Americans alone consume one billion pounds of beef at McDonald's in a year – five and a half million head of cattle


Sorry to gross you out but... McDonald's chicken nuggets used to be made of this pink goop*

McDonald's delivers – in 18 countries!

Saturday 21 April 2012

5 Best Careers for Shy People

Learn extra about careers that are liable to embrace inner thinking over social contact.

You are introverted, trying to find their place in the world of work? You have a chance. There's been a lot of jobs are to focus on less social.

Career coach Curt Rosengren recommends that introverted search career to focus on their operational processes.

"Just imagine doing something, where he spent most of the time things in your head," Rosengren said. "Introverted more comfort and use lead time."

Are you ready to find your career? You will find that these five career options can have only your internal quality.

If you're not careful where you will pass the most important interaction between you and your computer career as programmer can be a good match for your introverted nature.

According to the Ministry of labour, programmers can spend time writing in languages such as C++ and Java to build software. They are also, error code, and error correction.

Education options: ready to use your internal quality in the world of technology? Bachelor's degree in computer science or related subjects computer programming is often recommended in accordance with the Ministry of labour. The Division, however, that some employers may hire individuals with an associate degree.

If you want health but, rather prefer a more behind the scenes Medical career would be a good fit for health information technicians and records.

Rather hands-on with patients, these technicians according to the new Department of employment are generally more practical information about the health of patients so as to ensure accurate and available in both paper and electronic systems.

Education options: I think it's a career might adapt your introverted personality? Diploma or joint health technology, in General, employers prefer said the Ministry of labour.

Looking for a creative outlet, where you can add your own work? think a career as a graphic designer, where you may be able to ultimately work from home - or even work on a freelance basis. This may mean that more time for you to use your creative spirit without the hustle and bustle, which is often found in the Office.
Through a combination of art, technology, graphic designers are developing ideas for consumers, page layout and design, brochures, Web sites, advertising or other Visual marketing, according to the Ministry of labour.

Education options: artistic skills education to prepare this introspective reading career? A Bachelor's degree in graphic design and art that you can prepare for a career as a graphic designer, said the Ministry of labour.

If you think a designer and think you prefer time alone with computer networks of people, a career as a network administrator can be due to your driveway.

You can have the network administrator for your organization, installation and support of information systems of the company, according to the Department of labour. Upgrading systems can make software and network equipment, the collection of information to measure network performance and the necessary updates and repairs, the Ministry added.

Education options: the career tech introverted easily? The Department said that most network administrators receive a Bachelor's degree in computer science, network administration, and information systems. However, the extent to which partners in certain positions can be attached.

Do you prefer working with numbers, not people? Consider the possibility of preparing in accounting.

According to the Ministry of labour daily tasks include document financial transactions, maintain accounts to update and ensure the accuracy of financial reporting.

Learning options: want to just put mathematical skills tests in this solo career? Look at the extent to which, or any company. Some employers prefer candidates to have the Ministry of labour